Wednesday, 31 January 2007

ProDuctIon RePoRt...

wElL, we've StaRtEd FiLmInG...
OvEr Da laSt wEeK, EvErYtHiNg iS GoInG ReAlLy WeLl...
Thanx tO mR BusH, lEtTiN uS uSE hIS cLasS On fRiDaY, wE gOt tO fIlM tHE cLaSsRoOm ScEnE wHeN sIr HaS tO ShOuT aT ZaRa (Protagonist) And Mr BuSh JuSt cOuLdN't gEt iT RiGhT... (",) sIR 1 ADvIcE, NeVeR gO InTo An AcTiNg cArEeR.. (JoKe) on A sErIoUs NoTe, We CoMpLeTeD oUr OpEnInG sCeNE oF WhErE zAra Is ShOwN cUmInG iN LaTE...
We HaVe AlsO FiLMed ouR VoX-PoPz!! - tHaNx 2 EvErY1 hU HeLpEd OuH...
AnD FiNAlLy, wE fIlMeD At My HoUsE FoR OnE Of tHe sCeNeS...
eVeRyThInG Is gOiNg aCcOrDiNg 2 PlAn, We ArE PlaNniNg 2 fIlM SoMe fOoTaGe 2mOrOw...

SaMaN yOu dOnE WiCkEd In tHe ScEnEs wE'Ve sHoT, N JaZ SiCk cAmErA WoRk sO FaR...


Plan FoR The WeEk 29/01 - 04/02

This WeEk we WiLL sTaRt To FiLm...
we aRe PlaNninG to...

*FiLm OuR iNteRvIeWz... AsKing The QuEstIon: "Do you think Boy's are a key disruption in a girls life and why...

*We aRe alSo PlanNinG to ShOot SoMe FoOtaGe OveR ThE wEek-EnD at HoMe...

We WanT OuR InteRviEw QuesTionS Out Of ThE wAy So ThAt We CaN SpEnd ThE ResT oF thE wEeK fOcUsSiNg oN ThE mAIn StoRyLinE...

Thanks to Mr BuSh, wE wiLL bE fIlMiNg ThE ClasRoOm ScEnE On fRiDaY...
We wiLL alSo fIlM thE ScEne In ThE tOiLeTs aNd aN ExAm sCeNe...

..*[ZaRa N JaZ]*..

Monday, 29 January 2007

My second research is on a TV series called space race. Space race is a BBC docudrama, which was first shown on BBC 2 from September to October in 2005. The TV series was mainly directed about a soviet rocket engineer and designer Sergei Korolev. The series invovled British, German, American and Russian teams.

The tv series is split in to different eposides which will be shown one at a time during the weeks.
The first episode was on race for rackets during the 1944 – 1949, it shows about the rockets used in the USA throughout the Second World War. It also illustrates on how they intend to make a new rocket, which would be improved from the ones used in the war.
The second episode was concerning race for satellites, this between 1953 – 1958, it informs the audience about the five tons of explosives which is tsken to america which is then used on the first sateilite Sputnik 1.
There are 2 more episodes, which are show about Race For Survival and Race To The Moon.

Monday, 22 January 2007

ReAsEaRCh fOr pRaCtIcAl pRoDuCtIoN…..

For my practical production reasearch i have decided to reasearch and analyis on a docudrama called "Cathy Come HOme ", i will be looking at the conventions and techniques used as well.

CaThY cOmE HoMe … ( 1966)

“Cathy come home” is a British docudrama, which was first released on November 1966 on BBC 1, it is known to be UK’s famous docudrama in the history of television. The film was produced by Tony Garnett and directed by Kenneth Loach.

The docudrama is about a couple which is played by Carol White as Cathy and Ray Brooks as Reg, They start a new life, and they have a child and move into a new modern house and live happily. Except one day when Reg losses his job and becomes unemployed and get evicted from there home and become homeless. Cathy’s children get taken off her and are put into social services. The film shows how she deals with sensitive issues based on this.

The issues that were raised after the film was released were, unemployment and homeless, and how mother’s should have the rights against been separated from there children. A few days after the film was launched, the film helped raise money and was given towards a homeless charity shelter.

The docudrama techniques and conventions used is, mostly realistic documentary style, the director mainly used 16mm film, and a video tape which was used on shots in the studios.
There were scenes which used realistic style which created an impact on the scene.
The scene he used it on mainly is when Cathy and Reg are evicted with their children by bailiffs from the home that they could not pay the rent for, and become homeless.
The techniques used are.. more conventional stuctures of dramatic narrative, they use cathy's own voice as narrator-analyst for the harsh social situation which she has to deal with and shows the realism of the docudrama. It is a Non fictional docudrama film. There are many different shots that are used such as low angle shots, high angle shots, mostly used medium shots and long shots. This docudrama is quite similar to the docudrama we will be producing as it is based on factual information and we will be using some of the techniques and conventions used from this film.


ReSeaRch On Docu-dRaMa'z

pRacTicaL pRodUcti0N ResEaRcH...

To make SuRe that our D0cU-dRaMa is sucCeSsFuL... wE haVe to maKe suRe tHat We haVe ReSeaRchEd anD AnaLySeD pReVi0uS d0Cu-DraMa's WhIch MaY c0NtaIn SoMe Of The TecHniQuEs oR ConVenTiOnz We WiLL bE iNcLuDinG...
I ResEaRchEd iNto a TexT WhIcH I CaMe acR0sS...ThiS waS...


*A tv SeRiEs wHich FoLL0wz D0cu-dRaMa ConVenTi0Nz...
- "The Last Dragon"

"The Last Dragon" is a docu-drama made by "Animal Planet." The purpose of the Drama was to inform the public about a "creature" which never existed.
After viewing the drama itself, i noticed how the docu-drama creators followed various techniques to make the docu-drama look realistic.
Many of the techniques and conventions we would like to use in our docu-drama were included in this drama.
There were four differnt types of Dragons which were shown in this drama. Whenever a Dragon was Shown and described what made it so powerful, we would see close-ups of its features. There was a voiceover of the drama which narrated the story. This was used because of the fact that there weren't any specific roles for any one, but there was a voiceover which helped keep the audience on track of what is happening.
Many of the shots were Long/Medium/Close-up shots, as well as, high angle and low angle shots.
The type of music used in the drama was parallel most of the times. Actually, I don't remember seeing a clip which had contrapuntal sound to it.

ThE dRaMa waS n0t SomEthIng That I w0uLd wAtCh, bUt aFtEr I diD waTch ThiS d0cU-dRaMa I th0uGht thAt it heLpeD mE a Lot. ThIs waS beCauSe iT c0ntAinEd soMe oF tHe c0nVenTioNz thAt wE wiLL bE foLLowiNg foR ouR pRoDucTioN.


It Iz SoOo HaRd To AcTuaLy FiNd a Docu-dRaMa, WhIcH is SiMiLaR To OuRz, But whilst ReaSeaRchInG dOcUdRaMaz I came acRoSs a TeXt, WhiCh Is a DocuDraMa fiLm. ThiS fiLm uSeS maNy DocuMenTaRy TecHniQueS aNd ConVenTioNz. ThEy haVe aLL bEeN uSeD weLL buT aRe aLs0 uSeD in a wAy thAt we doN’t acTuaLLy ReaLisE it May HavE docuMenTaRy EleMenTs in…unLesS youR an A-leVel MEDIA stuDent!!

The film I researched was “Borat” which was released on November 1st 2006. It is a story about a young man called “Borat” who is about to leave his home in Kazakhstan so that he can go to the USA and actually record a documentary. Whilst he is out on his journey from his home country out into a totally different world, the main focus is to see how “Borat” will actually cope with his documentary.

He uses different styles of interviewing people, as he cannot communicate well, it is hard for others to understand what he is saying. The film uses documentary techniques such as Interviews; we see Borat trying to interview politicians, African American youths etc.

The way the characters appearance comes across is very funny. It actually creates a sense of authenticity, because it seems so real. The way the character has been presented shows us how elements of mockumentary have been used so that it can create humour. Many different types of shots were used throughout this whole film. Different camera work was used like, low angle, high angle shots. Silhouette shots were used to make the actors look more glamorous. All the music used in the film, fitted well with the scenes. I think that we may contain some elements, which were used in this film in terms of the camera work, interview and the background music used.


THiS WeEk.....

* we will be completing storyborads and edit script in detail....
* we will research on docudramas similar to ours in more detail...
* Aproach charaters to confirm rolezz...


bRieF oUtLiNe...

OuR PrActiCal pRoDuCtIoN...
This is a Docu-Drama about a teenage girl...she studies in school and is still under full time education...she has a boyfreind who comes into her life and gradually becomes the main priority in her life...
Even though she doesn't know that he is affecting her studies, truthly he is. She concentrates on him more than her education and is always giving him a lot of attention leaving all of her school work behind...
however, the steps she takes, are upto her...
*will she be able to snap out of the LuSt...before she ReAlIsEz what she is doing is wRoNg?
*will she let HiM CoNtRoL her LiFe and lead her FuTuRe down the DrAiN?

We will DiScUsS how a boy will DisRuPt a girls life and cOrRuPt her EdUcAtIoN...

The target audience will be 13-19 year Olds, and a secondary target audience will be boys because it is ReVoLvEd around them.

xXx JaZ xXx

SumMaRy Of ThE WoRk sOo FaR

SoOo Far we Have DiscusSed...
* Who WiLl StAr In It...
* who OuR PrOtAgonIst WiLl Be...
* WhAt ConvEnTioNs ShOulD Be UsEd...
* ThE ChaRacTeRz RoLeZ...

We HaVe cOmPlEtEd...
* OuR ScRiPt...

We StIiL HaVe To...
* CoMpLEtE oUr StoRybOaRdZ

JaZ 'n' ZaRa

Thursday, 18 January 2007


For our practical production, we will be working in a pair (ZaRa & JaZ) to create...
aLL foR a BoY...
Don't you think that these four words summarise the whole thing up it self?
Well, for those of you who still don't know what we mean by 'aLL foR a BoY' this is the docu-drama that we have decided to create for our practical production.
It will be based around our primary audience of teenage girls between the ages of 13-19... we will be showing how
one the life of a teenage girl...can affect her...and her a very negative way.