Sunday, 11 February 2007

2nd Progress Report...
Well, over the past week, we have been making sure that we collect as much footage as we can because we only have 1 more school week left and within this week we have already planned our re-shoots of the school scenes.

Over the past week, we have been researching a few documentaries which contain a documentary type technique. This techniques is when the protagonist is being directly interviewed by the interviewee which causes the protagonist to look into the camera. We decided to use this, so it was made clear to the audience that this protagonist is being followed around and us as the audience are viewing what their lifestyle. This idea was given to us by our class mates who said it will make the story line clearer.

We have also filmed a lot of footage which includes Zara going to see her boyfriend. We decided to film a long scene of them together because later on we can cut some bits down and use them in a flashback scene we have planned. This flash back scene will hopefully be shown when Zara is getting into trouble form the teacher and is defending herself by using an excuse of ‘the bus was late’ whereas she was really with her boyfriend.

After 4 retakes! We finally got the toilet scenes correct of where Zara and Jaz are talking about their boyfriends and then go onto Bitch about Saman. This scene is hear to show people how bitchy girls can be towards each other. Even over the most smallest thing. As our documentary contains many different purposes, one can be seen as how bullying is tolerated by people and they never tell. For instance Saman is getting bullied by Zara in a way, however she doesn’t tell any one and suffers in silence.


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