Tuesday, 6 February 2007

TeSt sCrEeNiNg iNfO...

Well, during MoNdaIz LesSon, We had to do TeSt ScReEnInGz to see how our pRoDuCtIoNz are coming along.
Me 'N' Jaz decided to show three of our scenes. These were:

*When Mr BuSh was setting the TasK...
*When ZaRa walks into the Lesson LaTe and gets into TrOuBlE...
*ZaRa in her BeDrOoM talking on the FoNe to her BoYfRiEnD...

Many people decided to give us:

B-C for MeDia LanGuAgE...
B-C for CoNvEnTioNz...
A-C for AtTeNtIoN tO DeTaIL...
B-C for TeChNiCaL pRoFicIeNcY...

although we were HaPpY with these GrAdEs... iT also MeAnZ that we have to go out and Re-ShOoT our PiNk bEdRoOm sCeNe (i DoNe tHaT alL In oNe iSwElL, No rEtAkEs oR NuFfIN!!)
rE-ShOoT tHe ClAsSrOoM ScEnEs...

People suggested some SuGgeStIoNz for OuR pRoDuCtIoN, these included:

*Adding a VoIcEoVeR - dont worry that is sorted, it will be added when we start to EdIt...
*The SouNd in the FiRsT sCeNe wasn't really good, so we are hoping to film that again...
*The BeDrOom ScEnE has to be Re-ShoT because of the CaMeRa QuAlItY...

There wasn't much for what we could add apart from VoIcE oVeRz, which we will in the end.

Thanx to all Of 12d for their sUgGeStIoNz...


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