Sunday, 25 March 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRT 7...

WelL... thiS wEEk We HaVe BeEn vERY buSy .. aS wE HaVe bEeN iN thE mEdIa SuItE dOiNg aLl OuR eDiTiNG durNinG OuR fReeS aNd AfTer SchOOl... sO fAr We hAVe gOT MOst OF tHE DoCuDrAmA in OrDEr ON tHE tIMEliNe AnD iS StArTiNG to CoMe ToGtHEr... I fIlMeD ZaRa gEttIng Her ResULtS .. ANd sHoWiNG hoW sHe FeELs AbOUT hER rESuLtS.. wE aLsO HaVe FiLmEd OuR bItz fOr tHe tO aDd tO oUR oPeNIng SeQUenCe AS wE WilL Be SoRtINg ouR opEnInG OuT 2MrW...AnD We ALsO NeED to SoRt ouR MUsiC ouT as We sTIll AinT GoT It on THe timElIne... aNd lAsTlY wE NeED tO rECoRd or VoICeOvER...


PrOgReSs RePoRt 7

This WeeK has Been Hectic..we did stick by what we said about the week being commited to media and have progressed a lot. During all of our frees we were in the EDiting suite. We have completed so muchofour work. We also filmed zara collecting her exam results and having a tantrum andexaplaing how she feels. This week we are palnnin to add all of the music and voice over and just foccusing on getting everything finished.


Monday, 19 March 2007

SElF EvAlUaTiOn...

EfFoRt - 2
I think i put effort in my work that i have been given to do, and do try my best of my ability in all my work...

pUnCtUaLiTy - 1
I always attend my lessons on time unless i have a valid reason to be late...

SuBmIsSiOn AnD qUaLiTy oF HOMeWoRk - 3
Homework is not always on time but the quality of my work is quite good...

AbIliTy To Work inDePeNdENtLy -2
I think the ability to work on my own is better then me working in a group...

QuAlItY oD wRiTinG - 3
I thin k the quality of my writing is good but needs to be imporved for me to produce better work...

OrgAnIsAtIoN oF mEdIa fOLdER - 1
My folder is up to date with all my work...

OrAL cONtRIBuTioN in ClAsS- 2
I sometimes answer in class, but can improve...

CoMmEnTs & ConTriBuTioNs To MaCgUFfInBlOG- 2
I do contribute on macguffin blog whenever i need to but i could improve and write in more detial...

cOntRiButioN to THe GrOuPpRaCtIcAl PRoDuCtIon- 1
I have contribution in my group and have done all my researchand update the blog regularly...

QuAlItY Of CoUrSEwOrK - sTaNdArd oF mOdUlE 3 bLog- 2

it's very interesting as we are learning about silent films documentary conventions and techniques used and the practical production editing is going well...

*Improve on quality of writing...
*Contribute more in class...
*Improve on quality of homework...


Sunday, 18 March 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRt 6

welll..this wek as been pretty messed up..ME & JAZ were both ILL..unfortunately..which now means we are BEHIND on our that we are both better..this week is all dedicated to MEDIA..which means any FREES we have..will be spent in the EDITING ROOM..catching up all the work we were supposed to do LAST WEEK..thats all for now though..hopefully next weeks progress report will have more DETAILED INFORMATION in.. =D


a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:(Grading should be 1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)

Attainment *2* - I think I have learnt a lot about different camera techniques whilst watching documenatries and studying module 2. I feel that i am becoming more confident with MIGRAINE and am understanding how to use it better.
Effort *2* i personally think that i have tried my best this term in both modules. I have learnt so much things i didnt know before. For instance edting and filming ad concept flow paragraphs etc.
Punctuality *3* I feel that i do not always turn up at lessons on time and this is something i have to achieve.
Submission and quality of homework *2* I think my homework standard has improved a lot from last term. This term i have tried my est to hand in all work on time.
Ability to work independently *2* i persoanlly think i work well on my own this is because 1- i dont have to rely on others, and 2- dont get distracted.
Quality of writing *3* i dont think my quality of writing is good. This is definately another area i have to improve on.
Organisation of Media folder *2* Everything in my media folder flows in order, so it is easy to understand what goes where.
Oral contributions in class *3* i dont think i participate as much as i should be doing in lessons.
Quality of coursework *2* the production is going really well so far..
Standard of Module 3 blog *1* i think taht the blog contains all of the tasks we have been asked to do, we always update it weekly writing up our progress reports.


  1. Punctuality
  2. Contribution in lessons
  3. Keep editing


PrOgReSS RePoRt 6

WeLl thIs wEEk HAS BEeN vERy SlOw.... as I HaD CaMe DoWn WiD a tEmPeRtuRe aNd DiD nOT AttEnD sKooL fOr A cOuPLe a DaYz... AnD ZarA HaD asLo Bin iLl... So wE hAvE NOt AcTUaLLy DoNe MuCH EdItINg ALthOugH wE hAvE cOmE iN oN thE dAyZ We WerE IN ON oUYr FrEe'S....
SOO FaR We HaVe Got eVeRytHINg oN tHe TiMElIne aNd HaVe sTArTed pUtTIn efFeCTs tO BlEnd EaCh ScENe in...we aLso hAvE sTarTeD diScUsSeD On oUr oPeNiNg SeQUeNcE....
nExT weEk We WiLl bE EdITiNG DuRiNG AnY fReE's We HaVE AnD AftEr SkOOl AS wE nEeeD To CatCh UP FroM tHE dAyZ wE hAvEnT Bin In...


Monday, 12 March 2007

ProgResS RepoRt 5

This week we have been foccussing on our editing.
We have captured all of our footage onto the computer and have started to edit all of our different scenes.
We have also finished the final scene that we thought would be a good idea to use. All though this week we have to focus on our exam scene which is taking time to do because of the fact that we need children in uniform. We are hoping to sort all of this out though.
This week we will hopefully have all of our final peices captured and will be focussing on editing our scenes.


Tuesday, 6 March 2007

pRoGrEsS RepOrT 5...

ThiS WEeK hAS BeEn VeRy BUsY aS wE hAvE sTaRtED EDiTInG oUr DoCuDrAmA....

FiRsTly wE PUt tHE ClIpS In OrDEr On ThE tiMeLiNe n cUt iT To The rIgHt ClIp ThAt We NeEd OnCe We
HaVe EVeRYthINg ON ThE tImELIne We hAvE StArTeD pUTTIN EfFecTs On ThE cLipS aSwELl...

We AlSO hAvE StArTeD EdiTiNg OuR OPEnINg ScEen AnD AdDinG aNy WriTtEn TeXt That We NEEd FoR eXAmPLE tHE TiTlE oF Our prOdUcTIOn ...

HoPeFuLlY NeXT wEeK We wiLL StART AdDiNg mUsIc.. tHErE Is STilL A FeW SCeNeS we nEed to Shoot.. WhIcH wE wiLL dO ASAP.. aND Then CApTUrE aNd Add It tO OuR TImEliNe tO CoMplEtE THe sCenES... WE HaVe AlSo CoMplEtEd tHe EnDiNg oF oUr DoCudRaMa ThiS WeEkEnD...


ProgRess RePoRt 4

ThIs WeEk Was ReallY aboUt GettIng All The ImpoRtaNt FoOtage fiLmed and caPtuRed OnTo thE comPutEr aS wE HavE staRted EdiTinG..

BeFoRe wE CapTureD the FoOtAge Onto The CompUter..We FilmEd oUr InterView With Mr BuSh..
Me & Jaz DeciDed 2 Ask Him FouR quEsTIoNz To Do WiTh ZaRa's EdUcAtIoN AnD Mr BuSh HaD 2 aNsWeR As NegaTiveLy As PoSsIbLe..
Jaz InTeRvIwEd Mr BuSh WhIlSt I fIlMeD ThEm..
aFtEr ThE iNtErViEw WaS oVeR..mE aNd Jaz DeCiDEd 2 cApTuRe aLL Of ThE FoOtAgE..It WaS rEAllY eAsY To dO BeCaUsE We haD ThE lOg ShEEts..Jaz CaptuRed ThE fOoTaGe wHiLst I rEad Out WhEre AbOuTS iT sTaRtS AnD sToPs..
wE hAvE StArTeD eDiTiNg OuR oPeNinG sCeNe..bUT SoMe ClIpz ArE mIsSiNg..

PrOgReSs rEPoRt 4...

ThIs WeEk Has BeEn QuItE hEcTiC As wE TrIeD To cOmpLeTe AlL oUr fIlMinG IN thE HaLf teRm HoiLdAyS... aLLtHOugh We Do sTILl NEeD To COMplEte SoMe sCEnEs Yet...
ThiS wEEk mE N zArA dECiDed oN 4 QuEsTioNs tO AsK mR BuSh.. aS i iNtErvIeWeD Him n zArA FilmEd thE iNtErvIeW...
AS SoOn aS tHAt Was cOMPLeTEd We cApTuRed eVerYtHiNg On THe EdItINg SyStEm.. AdObE PrEmIeR PrO... aS wE uSed thE LoG ShEeTs to HeLp CaPtUre thE ScENeS ThAt We NEeDeD fRoM The TaPe...
