Wednesday, 28 February 2007

This Is SaMaN...
She Is PlayIng The RoLe Of The GoOd GiRl..
ShE WiLL bE ShOwn In a PoSiTiVe LiGht..
We WiLL uSe a cLip Of BoTh ZaRa and SaMaN iN tHe pRoDuCtIOn To ShOw bOtH Of tHeIr DiFFeReNcEs...
ThIs Is An ImaGe Of ...
..*[ZaRa]*.. & *JaZ*
ZaRa is ThE FemaLe ProtaGoniSt In The
DoCu-dRaMa.. JaZ's Name Is MenTiOnEd
aNd ShE iS SupPoSed To Be ZaRa's bEst fRiEnD...
The StOryLine iS bAsEd aRoUnd ZaRa's
LiFe StyLe...


Sunday, 25 February 2007

PrOgReSs RepOrT fOr hAlF tERm….

this week we should finally be finishing off our filming that we need to do… besides for the scenes we need to do at school…

During the half term we went to samanz house on Wednesday and filmed the scenes that she had to do…
The scenes saman was doing was an exact opposite of what zara did in her pink scene at home in her bedroom..

I filmed saman on doing her homework that she was given by Mr Bush in class to do for the following day.. i showed her doing her work in many different angles to see what came our better .. as i filmed 2 from different angles and a few from close up point of views of her doing her work… it was a bit difficult to film this scene because we filmed it during the day but we wanted the scene to be a night/ evening time.. so we had to make the room a bit dark but with the light on to show that it was the evening.. I also had to make sure the lighting was not to dark at the same time… hopefully the lighting came out right…

I also filmed a scene when saman as the good girl she has finished her part of the work (as it was a pair work) and decides to ring zara to see if she’s done her part of the deal.. what we will be doing with this scene, as we also filmed zara on the phone to saman.. when we start editing we will put it as a split screen to show both conversations as we will see one side of the conversation of saman and how she’s got books and work on the bed and on the other side zara just reading magazines and not bothered to do the work…

Another scene that we filmed is of when zara is sneaking in the house late... back from linking her boyfriend… we decided to have the camera showing from zara’s point of view as she films this scene…

Lastly zara has completed the log sheets and I will be completing the test screening feedback in more detail and posting it up by the
end of the week…

PrOgReSs RepOrT 3

This week we have been very busy sorting out our filming scenes we are quite behind on it... so me n zara decided to put everything together in correct order n sort out anything we needed to add or film.. And it came to a conclusion of a few more scenes to film and then our filming would be finished...

So far we have focused on…

Re shooting some scenes that we need to improve on

We also have been discussing on adding a few interviews with Mr Bush but we have to see if he can do it hopefully Mr Bush will… these interviews would be quite important to the docudrama as it would be based on how zara’s progress is in his class.. And also on how she is deals with her school work…

We also need to film when zara has her interviews on a day to day basis…

Zara at the moment is working on the introduction for the docudrama… and is decided a choice of songs to put as the introduction she has selected a few songs she may like..

=>Destiny's Child - Girls
=>Ciara - Promise (thanx Amrit)
=>N-Dubz - Better Not Waste My Time
=>Christina Aguilera ft Lil' Kim - Can't Hold Us Down


Saturday, 24 February 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRt - HaLf TeRm..

Well, ThIs WeEk wE hAvE bEeN fInIsHiNg oFF oUr FiLmInG..
We wEnT OvEr 2 SaMaNz HoUsE On WeDnEsDaY And FiLmEd:

* SaMaN On ThE pHoNe 2 ZaRa
* SaMaN P.O.V sHoT DoInG HeR wOrK
* ZaRa On ThE pHoNe 2 SaMaN
* ZaRa SneAkInG InTo ThE HoUsE
* ExTrA fOoTaGE oF ThEsE...

ThiS WeEk I AlSo cOmPlEtEd ThE
lOg sHeEtS..


Saturday, 17 February 2007

PrOgReSs RePoRt 3

WeLl, ThIs wEeK HaS bEeN pReTtY sTrEsSfUll..EsPeCiAlLy BeCaUsE wE ThOuGHt ThAt wE ArE SOoOoO bEhInD On oUr FiLmInG..So mE N JaZ DeCidEd 2 sIt dOwN aNd PuT EveRyThInG iN A SpEciFiC OrDeR sO ThaT iT wOuLd fLoW pRoPeRlY aNd wE WoUlD nO WaT wE HaVe To dO n WaT We dOn't..We fInAlLy dEcIdEd 2 rElAx wEn We FiGuReD OuT ThAt We oNlY HaVe 2 sHoOt 2-3 sCeNeS MoRe...

ThIs wEeK We FoCuSsEd oN..

*Re-sH0OtInG the scenes which had to be ImPrOvEd..

we HaVe AlSo dEcIdEd ThAt jAz WiLL nO lOnGeR Be sTaRrInG iN tHe PrOdUcTiOn :O( sO iNsTeAd sHe WIlL NarRaTe The sToRyLiNE aNd dO ThE VoIcE-OvEr..
nExT WeEk (half term) We pLaN 2 FiNiSh FiLmInG SaMaN'z BeDrOoM ScEnE aND WiLl bEgIn LoGgInG OuR ShOtZ...

HoPeFuLlY WeN We gET BaCk tO ScHoOl wE aRe PlAnInG To aSk Mr BuSh rEaLy ReAlY NiCeLy iF wE CaN GeT An iNtErViEw wiTh hIm aNd sEe HiS ViEw oN ZaRa'z BeHaViOuR aNd hOw sHe iS Co-oPiNg aT ScHoOl EduCatIoN WiSe...
We nEeD 2 Do a kWiK FinsHiNg sCeNe oF ThE ExAm sCeNe wHeRe we aRe hOpInG We cAn gEt A fEw SkOoL ChIlDrEn tO SiT In tHe eXaM ScEnE..

rYt nOw i aM wOrKiNg On An iNtRoDuCtIoN To tHe dOcUmEnTaRy..i hAvE AlSo tHoUgHt iT wIlL Be gOoD To iNcLuDe tHeSe sOnGz (just a though, not finalized)

*Destiny's Child - Girls
*Ciara - Promise (thanx Amrit)
*N-Dubz - Better Not
Waste My Time
*Christina Aguilera ft Lil' Kim - Can't Hold Us Down


Tuesday, 13 February 2007

1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?

2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage
during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?

Sunday, 11 February 2007

2nd Progress Report...

For this last week we have been collecting loads of footage to complete our docudrama. However it has been difficult to get the right setting for the scene, as well as lighting and footage techniques.

A scene we recently done this week was of Zara and her boyfriend, we show the camera from her prospectus when she’s walking towards her boyfriend. We also resolute to another good technique of a flash back scene of when zara comes late to school and she lies to her teacher that the bus was late but when she really was with her boyfriend. The scenes we recently have approached are of when zara is with her boyfriend and he breaks up with her showing how she reacts to this problem of not being with her boyfriend this is shown in a long shot between them.

Some of the techniques we will be using were mentioned by our class mates, it was one which we thought was a very good technique, it was to show the female protagonist on a day to day bases, as a camera follows her around and asks her general questions like a interview style questions which someone will ask her as they will not be seen and she will be looking into the camera to answer to her question.

We also filmed scenes of me n zara in the toilets when we take about there boyfriends, but come to the conclusion of back chatting about saman whilst she’s in the toilet, although she hers the bad comments towards her, she continues and acts likes nothing happened and handles the situation with her silence and not telling no one that in some term she may be getting bullied. Even though zara had no reason to hate and bitch about saman like she did, as we show this in a term of zara’s best friend actually saying a nice comment about her, zara knows this but still turns around and say’s nasty things towards her.

2nd Progress Report...
Well, over the past week, we have been making sure that we collect as much footage as we can because we only have 1 more school week left and within this week we have already planned our re-shoots of the school scenes.

Over the past week, we have been researching a few documentaries which contain a documentary type technique. This techniques is when the protagonist is being directly interviewed by the interviewee which causes the protagonist to look into the camera. We decided to use this, so it was made clear to the audience that this protagonist is being followed around and us as the audience are viewing what their lifestyle. This idea was given to us by our class mates who said it will make the story line clearer.

We have also filmed a lot of footage which includes Zara going to see her boyfriend. We decided to film a long scene of them together because later on we can cut some bits down and use them in a flashback scene we have planned. This flash back scene will hopefully be shown when Zara is getting into trouble form the teacher and is defending herself by using an excuse of ‘the bus was late’ whereas she was really with her boyfriend.

After 4 retakes! We finally got the toilet scenes correct of where Zara and Jaz are talking about their boyfriends and then go onto Bitch about Saman. This scene is hear to show people how bitchy girls can be towards each other. Even over the most smallest thing. As our documentary contains many different purposes, one can be seen as how bullying is tolerated by people and they never tell. For instance Saman is getting bullied by Zara in a way, however she doesn’t tell any one and suffers in silence.


Tuesday, 6 February 2007

TeSt ScReEnInGs FeEdBaCk...

For this first section, go through all your test screening feedback sheets and come up with an average grade for each aspect of MCCAT (the assessment objectives; what will ultimately determine your grade) based on these returns...
Media Language (A-E)
Conventions (A-E)
Creativity (A-E)
Attention to Detail (A-E)
Technical Proficiency (A-E)
Then make a list of all the positive comments you received on your forms, ideally breaking them down into the different areas the class were asked to concentrate on...
(mise en scene?)
(conventions? matching audience?)
Next, focus on any constructive criticism you received in the feedback, under the same headings as for the previous section...
(mise en scene?)
(conventions? matching audience?)
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, write up the suggestions and ideas about how to improve and what else could be added...
What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production? (scenes? sequences?)
Suggestions for post-production/editing (music? voiceover? cutaways? montage? cross cutting? titles? slo-mo?)

oN MonDaY We hAd sHOweD THe cLAsS aNd MR buSh, 2 MInS oF oUr PrOdUcTiON FoOtAgE ThAt We hAvE TaKeN... sO wE deCiDe To ShOw thESe FolLowInG sCeNeS...

* mR BUsH sEtTinG tHe tAsK tO tHE ClAsS...

* zArA WaLKinG In TO thE ClAsSrOom lAtE...

* wHeN mR bUsh ShOUTs At ZaRa OutSiDe THe cLaSsRooM ...

* aNd FinALLy WhEn ZaRa iS in Her bEdRoOM On THe FoNe TO hEr bOyFrIeNd (THe pINK sCenE)...

eVeRY1 in 12D wAtCHeD aNd focUsSEd On THe mAiN fEaTUrEs AnD HaVe gIVeN Us thEse GrAdeS...

* B-C for MeDia LanGuAgE...
* B-C for CoNvEnTioNz...
* A-C for AtTeNtIoN tO DeTaIL...
* B-C for TeChNiCaL pRoFicIeNcY...

MaNy pEoplE HaVe gIvEN uS POsTiVe FeEDbAcK aNd AlSo nEgAtIvE fEedBaCK .. SoMe GOod/BaD sUgGesTuioNs WerE AriSen WhiCH wIll HeLP uS WiTH tHe ResT oF tHE fOotAgE we WiLL bE dOin ...

we MaY nEed tO rEShoT thEse SceNeS aGaIN aS thE WholE ClAsS sUggEStEd THaT iT NEEdeD VoiCe OvErs aNd sOmE ScEnEs ( LiGHtInG) WEre TO0o DaRk/ Dull...

thE BedRoOM sCeNe haD a lOt oF zOOMs IN aND oUtS AnD it WAs A bIT bLuRrer wHiCh DiD NoT Look GooD aNd ShOWeD BaD CAmErWorK sO wE nEEd to Re Do iT aGaIN ...

oN a wHOLe tHE RESt oF thE RecOrDIng WaS GoOd.. jUst A feW impRovEmEnTs AnD aDJUsTmEnTs NeEDs To Be mAdE...


TeSt sCrEeNiNg iNfO...

Well, during MoNdaIz LesSon, We had to do TeSt ScReEnInGz to see how our pRoDuCtIoNz are coming along.
Me 'N' Jaz decided to show three of our scenes. These were:

*When Mr BuSh was setting the TasK...
*When ZaRa walks into the Lesson LaTe and gets into TrOuBlE...
*ZaRa in her BeDrOoM talking on the FoNe to her BoYfRiEnD...

Many people decided to give us:

B-C for MeDia LanGuAgE...
B-C for CoNvEnTioNz...
A-C for AtTeNtIoN tO DeTaIL...
B-C for TeChNiCaL pRoFicIeNcY...

although we were HaPpY with these GrAdEs... iT also MeAnZ that we have to go out and Re-ShOoT our PiNk bEdRoOm sCeNe (i DoNe tHaT alL In oNe iSwElL, No rEtAkEs oR NuFfIN!!)
rE-ShOoT tHe ClAsSrOoM ScEnEs...

People suggested some SuGgeStIoNz for OuR pRoDuCtIoN, these included:

*Adding a VoIcEoVeR - dont worry that is sorted, it will be added when we start to EdIt...
*The SouNd in the FiRsT sCeNe wasn't really good, so we are hoping to film that again...
*The BeDrOom ScEnE has to be Re-ShoT because of the CaMeRa QuAlItY...

There wasn't much for what we could add apart from VoIcE oVeRz, which we will in the end.

Thanx to all Of 12d for their sUgGeStIoNz...


Sunday, 4 February 2007

pRoDuCtIoN rEpOrT ...

WeLl... sOo FaR we HaVe BeEn FiLmIng SiNce LaSt WeeK.. n we'vE goT aLoT Of FooTaGe oN cLaSsRooMsCeNeS wEre wE uSe Mr bUsH 's ClAsSroOm AnD I FilMed The pRoDuCtIOns OpEnIng scEnE oF wHeN mR bUsH sHOuts aT zaRa fOr BeeNiNg lATe.. But sHe DoEsN't aCT bOthERed n DoEsN'T cARE bEcAuSE sHe's WrAppEd uP in HeR LOvE LyFe...
I hAvE aLsO gOt FoOTaGe on SaMaN tHE GooD GiRL wERe yOu CaN cOmpAre bOTH giRLs zAra N sAmAN ( sterotypes)... AlSo wANtED 2 sAy THaNx To eVeRY1 wHo HeLPeD/pArtIcpAtED wHilSt DoIng thE ClAsSrooM FootAgE..
AnOTheR sCenE wE HavE AlSo ShoOtEd IS of wHeN zArA Is ON tHE Phone To aLi In Her BedRoOm.. WhEN sHe's MeAnT To Be DoiNg HEr HOmeWoRk TasK...
aNd lAsTLy We HavE fIlMeD OuR
VoX- PopZ ...


Friday, 2 February 2007